Список журналов (Journals) J
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics.1. Regular Papers and Short Notes (JPN)
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics.2. Letters (JPN)
Journal de Physique (FRA)
Journal de Physique. I. General Physics, Statistical Physics, Condensed Matter, Cross Disciplinary Physics (as of 1998 see: European Physical Journal.B.) (FRA)
Journal de Physique. II (as of 1998 see: European Physical Journal.D) (FRA)
Journal de Physique.III. Applied Physics, Materials Science, Plasma, Instrumentation (as of 1998 see European Physical Journal. Applied Physics - U58444) (FRA)
Journal de Physique.IV. Proceedings of International Conferences (formerly: Colloques de Physique) (FRA)
Journal of Applied Physics (до 1937 г. - Physics. A Journal of General and Applied Physics) (USA)
Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy (IND)
Journal of Chemical Physics (USA)
Journal of Computational Physics (USA)
Journal of Crystal Growth (NLD)
Journal of Electronic Materials (USA)
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics. English Translation of Zhurnal Eksperimental'noi i Teoreticheskoi Fiziki (USA)
Journal of Geophysical Research. A. Space Physics (blue) (USA)
Journal of Geophysical Research. B. Solid Earth (red) (USA)
Journal of Geophysical Research. C. Oceans (green) (USA)
Journal of Geophysical Research. D. Atmospheres (USA)
Journal of Geophysical Research. E. Planets (USA)
Journal of Laser Applications (USA)
Journal of Lightwave Technology (USA)
Journal of Low Temperature Physics (USA)
Journal of Luminescence (NLD)
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series A (USA)
Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series B (USA)
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (NLD)
Journal of Mathematical Physics (USA)
Journal of Modern Optics (GBR)
Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy (USA)
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids (NLD)
Journal of Nuclear Energy (GBR)
Journal of Nuclear Energy: part A - Reactor Science (GBR)
Journal of Nuclear Energy: part B - Reactor Technology (GBR)
Journal of Nuclear Energy: part C - Plasma Physics. Accelerators. Thermonuclear Research (later - Plasma Physics) (GBR)
Journal of Nuclear Energy: parts A/B - Reactor Science and Technology (GBR)
Journal of Optical Communication (DEU)
Journal of Optics (formerly known as Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics) (GBR)
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics (merger of "J.of Optics" and "Pure and Applied Optics") (GBR)
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics (until 1999 see Quantum and Semiclassical Optics -U54000; as of 2006 merged into J.of Physics.B) (GBR)
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data (USA)
Journal of Physical Chemistry A. Molecules, Spectroscopy, Kinetics, Environment, General Theory (USA)
Journal of Physical Chemistry B: Condenced Matter, Materials, Surfaces, Interfaces, Biophysical (USA)
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids (before 1963 - The Physics and Chemistry of Solids) (GBR)
Journal of Physics. A: Mathematical and Theoretical (GBR)
Journal of Physics. B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (GBR)
Journal of Physics. D: Applied Physics (GBR)
Journal of Physics. G: Nuclear and Particle Physics (GBR)
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter - ранее C+F (GBR)
Journal of Plasma Physics (GBR)
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (USA)
Journal of Russian Laser Research - ранее Journal of Soviet Laser Research (USA)
Journal of Statistical Physics (USA)
Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism (USA)
Journal of Superconductivity (USA)
Journal of Technical Physics (POL)
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (USA)
Journal of the Indian Institute of Science (IND)
Journal of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers (JPN)
Journal of the Korean Physical Society (KOR)
Journal of the Moscow Physical Society (USA)
Journal of the Operational Research Society (GBR)
Journal of the Optical Society of America (USA)
Journal of the Optical Society of America.A. Optics, Image Science and Vision (USA)
Journal of the Optical Society of America.B. Optical Physics (USA)
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan ( a continuation of "Proceedings of the Physico-Mathematical Society of Japan") (JPN)
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer (USA)
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology.A. Vacuums, Surfaces and Films (USA)
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology.B. Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures. Processing, Measurement and Phenomena (USA)