Список журналов (Journals) E
Electrical Engineering in Japan (JPN)
Electro Optics (GBR)
Electronic Design (USA)
Electronic Engineering (GBR)
Electronics and Communications in Japan.1. Communications (USA)
Electronics and Communications in Japan.2. Electronics (USA)
Electronics Letters (GBR)
Electronics World + Wireless World (EW+WW) (GBR)
Elektronik (DEU)
Engineering Optics (GBR)
Environmental and Chemical Physics - c 2005 см. "Lithuanian Journal of Physics" (LTU)
EPL (Europhysics Letters) (FRA)
European Journal of Physics (GBR)
European Physical Journal A (a merger of il Nuovo Cimento A, Z. Phys. A) (DEU)
European Physical Journal B (a merger of Il Nuovo Cimento D, J.de Physique, Z.Phys. B) (DEU)
European Physical Journal C (a merger of Il Nuovo Cimento A, Zeitschrift fur Physik C) (DEU)
European Physical Journal D (a merger of Il Nuovo Cimento D, J.de Physique, Z.Phys. D) (DEU)
European Review (GBR)
Europhotonics (USA)
Europhysics Letters (FRA)
Europhysics News (CHE)
Experimental Astronomy (NLD)
Experimental Technique of Physics - ранее Experimentelle Technik der Physik (DEU)